Saving a Print Ready PDF

Saving a Print Ready PDF

File Save with Color

You may have noticed we talk about Print Ready PDFs quite a bit. Saving your document for print is one of the most crucial steps of the design process. The following are steps to manually saving a perfect Print Ready PDF.

Skip this guide and save time by downloading our SG High Res PDF Preset. This will quickly and automatically save your file with the right settings every time.

PDF Compression


• Pages: All, Pages
• Viewing: Default, Default
• Options: Optimize for Fast Web View
• Create Tagged PDF
• Export Layers “Visible & Printable Layers”
• Interactive Elements: “Do Not Include”


Compressing and downsampling the Images and Art in your file can significantly reduce the size of a PDF file with little or no loss of detail and precision. If no compression is used the PDF file can be exceedingly large. This will cause longer downloading times and could make sending the file to us difficult.

Color Images

Bicubic Downsampling to 300ppi for images above 300ppi Compression: JPEG Image Quality: Maximum

Grayscale Images

Bicubic Downsampling to 300ppi for images above: 300ppi Compression: JPEG Image Quality: Maximum

Monochrome Images

Bicubic Downsampling to 1200ppi for images above 1800ppi Compression: Zip

Other Settings

Compress Text and Line Art Crip Image Data to Frames

PDF Compression
File Save with Color

Next Step: PDF Presets Page 2